A Hut for a Caretaker of the Riverbed in Smeermas (NL)
Living 24 hours in the role of a nun, in Buitenplaats Doornburgh (Maarssen, NL), gave me the chance to investigate and explore the sober and austere space of the ‘cella’ during the workshop which gave the start to this project. Therefore, beginning from the theme Up/Down/Viewpoint, I developed my research, studying the space from multiple points of view. In the end, the investigation came to the signification of materials in the space, pointing out the inclusive purpose of the architect (focus towards the inside). Later, considering the research done in the priory in Maarssen, the following step was to use it as a guide to design a hut in the changing landscape of the Maas' riverside. The location, halfway between Netherlands and Belgium, is featured by the wide neat horizon and the pale countryside tonalities. Therefore, with the aim of designing a shelter for a caretaker, I made a study on both the landscape and the character to combine needs, functionality and sustainability in the project following. (focus towards the outside). Tutor: Prof. Ingeborg Meulendijks